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82. Did anyone ever say anything to you that made you see yourself differently, on a physical and especially sartorial level?

(Which is why I'm here)
A few weeks ago a friend asked "I have to know, why do you always dress so terribly?"
And my other friends (some of whom I've known for 10-20 years) all said stuff like "Oh, that's just the way he is" "He's always dressed like that" "You'll get used to it"
Which means I've been dressing terribly for twenty years without knowing it
When I asked them what was wrong with how I dress they said stuff like "It's just that you have really bad clothes" "Nothing fits" "You always look terrible" "It's all awful. Just awful"

Quite a few of my friends told me that I have a great sense of style, they appreciate how I put things together, and that I inspired them to step their clothing game up. It gave me confidence and more appreciation for my style.

Not sure

"You always find the best items" mostly because most of my items are thrifted

take a shower , and i did.


Do not remember anything.

Not that I recall.

Someone once mentioned that I always looked put together -- and I was surprised. It wasn't how I saw myself, although I like nice clothing so I can skimp on makeup.

a few times in my life, people have guessed my weight as much lower than it is. a couple people have called me small or skinny. i don't see it, so it trips me up.

I think the compliments that my clothes/appearance elicit usually affirm the way I like to see and think about myself, which is nice. It helps me be kinder to myself.

People have complimented my style which makes me feel like I am doing something right although I feel lost sometimes.

My mother told me I had my grandmother's hips. It still hurts years later

Yes on a physical way

My college roommate Lizzy told me "you're a very flamboyant woman" when I was 21. She's right. My frame, my style, and my bold silhouettes are

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