Read Surveys (By Question)
63. Is there a certain look you feel you’re expected to like that you have absolutely no interest in? What is it? Why aren’t you interested?
Any 'look'
I have absolutely no interest in clothes at all
Anything trendy. Because it's trendy.
The trendy one that young people prefer, the B. Eilish style. I'm too old to be fooled by that, I have almost nothing to hide, why would I dress in oversized neon color sweatshirts and pants, dye my hair, put on crazy eyeglasses and do my nails?
I think tastes are different, I do not care what am I expected to like or do. I do and like what I want not what I am expected.
Clothes that look dull.
Pretty dresses
anything preppy. it's just ugly and worn by assholes.
i'm tired of unsubtle 80s nostalgia. at this point it's lazy and didn't even look good then.
Why should we be 'expected' to like certain looks? Clothes are so different around the world, and though history, by now we should know there is no one 'right' way to do things. I'm not interested in being told what to like or dislike, or what is expected from me. And i'm not interested in the amount of money being spent and ostentation being used as a measure for how how successful and attractive an outfit is.
Probably but I don't pay attention to it if so.
No. Peer pressure is long behind me.
Trainers, they're ugly. What the fuck do people like about them, they have become so out of shape
No these no
Many alternative women idolize Stevie Nicks. I also idolize Stevie Nicks, but I don't particularly want to co-opt her fashion. I don't feel comfortable in ankle-length skirts or hats, and I find lace itchy.