1. When do you feel at your most attractive?

c mags 3

1. When do you feel at your most attractive?

when i feel strong and confident

2. Do you notice women on the street? If so, what sort of women do you tend to notice or admire?

yeah, femme girls with an edge

3. What are some things you admire about how other women present themselves?

confidence, boldness

it's clicking now, because i am trying. i didn't try - i wanted to be invisible for a long time.

I go for practical and wearable over fun and crazy. But sometimes you need fun and crazy.

I can get dressed in about two minutes any given day.

Internal conversations with myself about worth, pleasure, and confidence

live within your means
always save
go for quality over quantity

slouchy tshirts, because i feel most like myself and they are comfy

i made pendant necklaces for a couple coworkers. they were excited to receive them. i wonder if they ever wear them.

rompers. i'm not a child.

my mom has great taste and is awesome at the hunt. but she does not have a good relationship with her body. she's not afraid to buy things for pleasure and fun. I have great taste, too. I work hard to have a good relationship with my body. And I try to be more like her and treat myself.

not really

lately, i'm more confident in myself and trying. i was not confident for a long time and recovering from trauma and wanted to hide. i used clothing as a shield. now i feel i can be more open and relaxed.

i dress for myself, for my autonomy




sweats, striped LS tee, pigtails

it's your body. it's intimate and tactile and a cultural symbol

my mom and partner the most
sometimes friends or coworkers

not much

semantics are boring

I don't really think in those terms.

All my clothes go together and I can get dressed in two minutes flat

Art, creativity, home, food, literature, music, design. Literally everything.

Yes, I have used clothes for safety. Quite literally for awhile, combat boots to feel safer and stronger.

Yes, I have excellent discernment, but sometimes I convince myself I shouldn't get what I like because I am still learning how to allow myself pleasure and have it feel safe.

I learned how to sew and how to wash clothes. My dad would wash and iron his dress shirts himself. They never dry cleaned anything, so I have a strong sense of maintaining my things myself.

slouchy, not skintight (or maybe both)

confidence is being comfortable with yourself

get a life. your clothes should not distract from your purpose and agenda and living, the should support it.

thoughtfulness of design
mastery of craftsmanship

things that are thoughtless, badly made, and throwaway


Usually I have one thing I want to wear that day and I build an outfit around it


dressing is for getting through the day, it's for me
dressing up is for other people, generally

i do.

me: cohesion
not me: excess


yes, but no

collars and good hair

we don't have much dress expectations



i used to wear a uniform for school and the best part was figuring out how to skirt the rules


i love love love traditional menswear and wish i could have a whole closet of traditional custom tailored suits. i wish tailoring was more accessible to women. i love a good suit.



i looked better than i thought i did

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