Read Surveys (By Author)
Jill Ecuyer
1. When do you feel at your most attractive?
Outside active
2. Do you notice women on the street? If so, what sort of women do you tend to notice or admire?
Put together effortlessly looking
3. What are some things you admire about how other women present themselves?
Don't take the effort too often any more
4. Was there a moment in your life when something “clicked” for you about fashion or dressing or make-up or hair? What? Why did it happen then, do you think?
At 5 I had a blast
At 16 i took control
At 25 i followed fashion
At 50 i find what I love
5. What are some shopping rules you wouldn’t necessarily recommend to others but which you follow?
Stop looking for bargains and only follow the colors u love and styles that are interesting or classics u love
6. What are some rules about dressing you follow, but you wouldn't necessarily recommend to others?
7. What is the most transformative conversation you have ever had on the subject of fashion or style?
Talking with my Mother about my style and love of dressing up early on
8. Do you have a unified way of approaching your life, work, relationships, finances, chores, etc.? Please explain.
Simply as much as i can as i get older...note I have a bedroom for a closet
At first it gave me great pleasure ... Not as much anymore
9. Are there any clothing (or related) items that you have in multiple? Why do you think you keep buying this thing?
Yes -not sure
Since i wear favorites only mostly!
10. Have you ever successfully given someone a present of jewelry or clothing that you continue to feel good about?
11. Is there any fashion trend you’ve refused to participate in and why?
Yes - just didn't care for!
12. Can you say a bit about how your mother’s body and style has been passed down to you, or not?
We are not similarly shaped
But she had classic 50's style
13. Have you stolen, borrowed or adapted any dressing ideas or actual items from friends or family?
My kids
When I didn't care
14. Was there a point in your life when your style changed dramatically? What happened?
Gained weight and cared very little
Whole image was off
15. Is there anything political about the way you dress?
16. Please describe your body.
165- now most of my life 130
Sample size before weight gain
17. Please describe your mind.
Randomly- organized
Not box in able
Curious always
18. Please describe your emotions.
Strong influence
Trying to be Driving
But pace keeps them with limited influence
19. What are you wearing on your body and face, and how is your hair done, right at this moment?
Pulled back
20. In what way is this stuff important, if at all?
Not important
Says gave up a bit or found more important focus
21. With whom do you talk about clothes?
Daughters friends
22. How do institutions affect the way you dress?
If love it try it!
23. Do you think you have taste or style? Which one is more important? What do these words mean to you?
Taste and this matters
Style is luxury
24. Do you remember the biggest waste of money you ever made on an item of clothing?
Bridesmaid dresses
25. Are there any dressing tricks you’ve invented or learned that make you feel like you’re getting away with something?
Lipstick can make u look like u r made up
Being on a boat is the best hair and makeup!
26. Do you have style in any areas of your life aside from fashion?
27. Can you recall some times when you have dressed a particular way to calm yourself or gain a sense of control over a situation that scared you?
28. Would you say you “know what you like” in the area of fashion and clothing? If so, do you also know what you like in other areas of life, that is, are you generally good at discernment? Can you say where your discernment comes from, if you have it? Or if you don’t have it, why or why not?
Have it struggle with it in my budget for clothes
29. Did your parents teach you things about clothing, care for your clothing, dressing or style? What lessons do you remember? Or did you just pick things up?
No just picked up - always had quiet flare
30. What sorts of things do you do, clothing or make-up or hair- wise, to feel sexy or alluring?
31. Many people say they want to feel “comfortable,” or that they admire people who seem “confident.” What do these words really mean to you?
Comfortable - happy/ sloppy or skimpy outside
Confident - attitude not clothes
32. If dressing were the only thing you did, and you were considered an expert and asked to explain your style philosophy, what would you say?
Color is everthing!
33. What is really beautiful, for you, in general?
34. What do you consider very ugly?
35. Are you generally a good judge of whether what you buy will end up being worn? Have you figured out how to know in advance?
36. When you look at yourself before going out, and you are trying to see yourself from the outside, can you describe a bit about what this “other person” is like? What do they like, dislike, what sorts of judgments do they have? Is this “outer eye” based on someone you know or once knew?
Very difficult
I usually just revert to "it is my job to go out and make everyone feel like i want to look and feel and forget me!"
37. What is your process getting dressed in the morning? What are you considering?
38. What are you trying to achieve when you dress?
39. What, for you, is the difference between dressing and dressing up?
Time & energy
Excitement over destination
40. If you had to wear a “uniform” what would it look like?
And different for each person
41. What would you say is “you” and what would you say is “not you”?
Blues greens me
Maroon mustard not me
42. What is your cultural background and how has that influenced how you dress?
I think growing up in New Orleans make me fearless
Not knowing when I lived there but quite aware of it when I moved to North Carolina
I will try pretty much anything if I think I'll like it
I am much less likely to follow a trend or what everyone else has on
I attribute that to an environment where there were so many different things happening and such a broad acceptance of so many things in N.O.
43. Do you remember a time in your life when you dressed quite differently from how you do now? Can you describe it and what it was all about for you?
Yes when I first moved to Charlotte I had the Charlotte haircut I had dressed in a way that I did mot normally dress in an attempt to fit into a very broad Norm it didn't fit me and it didn't last long
Charlottes come along way since then and you see a lot more style and variation
44. What sorts of things do you do, clothing, make-up or hair-wise, to feel professional?
Mostly pull it out of my face
Got that from my mother
45. How do you conform to or rebel against the dress expectations at your workplace?
I probably where Boulder prints that are typical and I choose colors I love not always typical work environment colors or prints
46. Do you have a dress code, a school uniform, or a uniform that you wear for an extracurricular activity?
47. Are there ways in which you conform to or rebel against these uniforms?
48. Do you find it comforting or constraining to have a uniform?
49. What is an archetypal outfit for you; one that you could have happily worn at any point in your life? What do you like about it?
Dress easy
50. Do you ever wish you were a man or could dress like a man or had a man’s body? Was there ever a time in the past?
Yes of course it's easy all the time but no I don't want the body nor would I be interested in changing sex
Love being a woman
51. If there was one country or culture or era that you had to live in, fashion-wise, what would it be?
52. Do you consider yourself photogenic?
53. When you see yourself in photographs, what do you think?
54. Are there any figures from culture, past or present, whose style you admire or have drawn from?
Great Gatsby era
55. Have you ever had a dream that involved clothes?
56. What would be a difficult or uncomfortable look for you to try and achieve?
Mens wear
57. If you were totally comfortable with your body, or your body was a bit closer to what you wish it was like, what would you wear?
All my clothes!
58. Is there anyone that you are trying to attract or repel when you dress?
59. Are there any dressing rules you’d want to convey to other women?
60. What do you think of perfume? Do you wear it?
Love it
61. What are some things you need to do to your body or clothes in order to feel presentable?
62. How does makeup fit into all this for you?
Helps sometimes
63. Is there a certain look you feel you’re expected to like that you have absolutely no interest in? What is it? Why aren’t you interested?
64. Can you describe in a basic way what you own, clothing and jewelry-wise?
Lots- to much probably
65. What is your favorite piece of clothing or jewelry that you own?
Ring - turks head hand knotted gold surprise gift for no reason from Correa and sons
66. Tell us about something in your closet that you keep but never wear. What is it, why don’t you wear it, and why do you keep it?
Dress doesn't fit
Keep because it is beautiful
67. Looking back at all your purchases over the past five to fifteen years, can you generalize about what sorts of things were the most valuable to buy?
68. Is there an item of clothing that you once owned, but no longer own, and still think about or wish you had back? What was it, what happened to it, and why do you want it back?
69. If you had to throw out all your clothes but keep one thing, what would you keep?
Cashmere jacket
70. Building up your wardrobe from nothing, what would you do differently this time?
Never buy more than one color of an item
U always pic ur fav to wear
71. What’s the first “investment” item you bought? Do you still own or wear it?
Barbour jacket yes yes
72. Was there ever an important or paradigm-shifting purchase in your life?
Returned fav ball gown to put funds toward wedding dress
73. What item of clothing are you still (or have you forever been) on the hunt for?
Changes with my age
74. What are your closet and drawers like? Do you keep things neat, etc?
Well yes and then mess up when busy and straighten again
Ongoing process
Often reflects my life cycles
75. Were you ever given a present of clothing or jewelry that especially touched you?
Bracelets that remind me of the stars in the Abacos
76. Did you ever buy an article of clothing without giving it much thought, only to have it prove much more valuable as time went on? What was the item and what happened?
Rain/ trench coats
Black and navy
Love and where them often
My daughter is wearing my gold one now too
77. How and when do you shop for clothes?
Always looking
Really 2xs month
78. Do you like to smell a certain way?
79. How does how you dress play into your ambitions for yourself?
Better dressed when on right path
80. How does money fit into all this?
Big time
81. Is there an article of clothing, a piece of make-up, or an accessory that you carry with you or wear every day?
82. Did anyone ever say anything to you that made you see yourself differently, on a physical and especially sartorial level?
83. Do you remember the first time you were conscious of what you were wearing? Can you describe this moment and what it was about?
What’s your birth date? Where were you born and where do you live now?
New orleans
Charlotte nc
Say anything you like about your cultural/ethnic/economic background.
White middle
What kind of work do you do?
Commercial real estate
Are you single, married, do you have kids, etc.?
3 kids
Please say anything you like about yourself that might put this survey into some sort of context.
Love clothes
How do you feel after filling out this survey?