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80. How does money fit into all this?
It doesn't
I take home ~£1220k p.a.
I spend under £150 p.a. on clothes
(Actually, thanks to working from home for the past six,seven years i haven't needed to buy anything new for about three years
I have money I just feel bad for spending it.
I wish I had money to dress the way I want, my closet would be FIRE.
Doing ok
I recently learned how to sell my clothes online, so I've made a few hundred dollars from that, and use it to buy new stuff. Then I try to buy stuff I know has resale value. It means I am more willing to take risks because I know I can recoup my costs if it doesn't work out.
I don't spend a whole lot, but I do try to save when I can.
It takes money to live in a place where good quality clothes(and other stuff) are available(even delivered if ordered online). You have to have an entourage to train your eyes, yous taste, to develop a style. To compare and try things. That takes money.
Money is not my ambitions any more.
I have to budget myself and only buy what I need.
I like to buy things on sale
I've always had enough to not have to be super careful but I have expensive tastes so I'm careful to shop second hand because I can't find natural fibers for an inexpensive price point otherwise.
i get gifted cash sometimes and it all goes to clothes. i'm poor and spend way more than i should on clothes, but i love thrifting and am good at finding used designer stuff.
Clothes cost money. I am in a financially privileged position to be able to dress the way I do. I do not take this for granted. I do sometimes feel guilty about it.
Me and my husband earn a lot of money to help bring up our 3 girls.
I wish I had more money. I often feel like lack of funds holds me back from justifying spending money on clothes that would make my style feel more complete and cohesive. I wish I had unlimited funds for money and could just buy whatever I wanted and figure it out.
I don't buy a lot but when I do it's an investment generally
Not really
Money always matters. I don't have the money to buy certain items I'd like, such as Prada sneakers or couture track suits.
I think there's more pressure than ever for young people to flex a certain social status with designer belts and shoes. I blame it on how musicians impact popular culture, honestly.
20 years ago, musicians dressed like their fans, wearing plaid shirts and department store denim with Nike shoes. Today, musicians wear Versace and Balenciaga.
I know this is all oversimplified, and culture doesn't exist in silos. You can't separate music and fashion. However, I miss the days when musicians dressed in a way that reflected their roots.