Read Surveys (By Question)
43. Do you remember a time in your life when you dressed quite differently from how you do now? Can you describe it and what it was all about for you?
Yes. I used to dres in all black, very edgy emo/grunge look. For me it was expressing my depression through clothing.
Very androgynous. I was exploring my sexuality and playing with gendered roles.
I used to dress in a manner that would allow me to fade into the background and not draw any attention to myself. It was uncomfortable for me to be noticed at that time.
i wear specific things where i used to wear anything.
Teenage years. I wanted to stand out by being trendy.
Well when I was in my twenties I dressed quite differently of course. I did not wear trousers at all, just short skirts, long hair, and make up.
yes, but no
Yeah, when I was in my teens, I stopped caring about how I dresses and wanted to be invisible. Then I appreciated myself and go all out!
I was a rebellious punk rocker
Short skirts, bright colors -- ruffles, peasant skirts. and thin strapped tank tops. Well I hadn't figured out what bra I should wear, and that showing my bra strap isn't a good look. It was a bit like dressing a two year old - I bought what i liked and didn't fuss to much about it matching. I wore a lot of bright colors. I looked like I was going to art school, which I was at the time.
as a kid i wanted to look like avril lavigne. as a teen i wanted to dress like an art hoe, so either vintage or "vintage" stuff. just wanted to look like i was in on something big no one at my school knew about.
When I was younger I wore a lot of beige, camel and brown, because it was 'classic' and for some reason I thought 'autumn' colours suit me. They don't.
Also, I tended to 'under-dress' more casually, because I didn't think I could carry of a more elegant look. At the time I was trying to copy what others wore for 'elegant' so it didn't suit me. Now I'm more aware of what I like and how I can make it 'mine'.
When I was around thirteen I had really weird taste. I wore a white hat with polar bear ears 24/7 for months on end (? I can't remember how long). I wore a lot of odd things and I'm not sure what I was thinking at the time.
Oh, Lord. Middle School. I was quite confused, had no guidance and only saw other people rather than myself.
When I was little.
I remember my culture clothes it actually cute but sometimes I don't really like to wear them
I briefly dabbled with bleach blonde hair and spray tans in my early 20s, which I paired with short skirts and black tops. My style was different, but my clothes were the same.
I wanted to prove to myself that I could pull off mainstream sex appeal. I felt out-of-place, and my fake tanner broke my skin out horribly. Within a few months, I was back to my natural pale skin and darker hair.